DoorDash Announces new SafeDash In-App Toolkit

DoorDash Announces new SafeDash In-App Toolkit

Image Provided by DoorDash, Inc. Here at Drive Forward we’ve always believed a safer Driver community is a stronger Driver community.  We welcome DoorDash’s announcement today of their new in-app safety toolkit called SafeDash™.  Designed in partnership with the...
February Membership Meeting Recording

February Membership Meeting Recording

Did you miss our February Membership Meeting? We’ve got you covered! You can watch a recording of it below!  In this meeting we cover the following topics: City of Seattle Fare Share Minimum Earnings StandardDrive Forward’s Delivery SurveyNews from the State...
Problems with King County For-Hire License?

Problems with King County For-Hire License?

Many of Drive Forward’s Members have reported to us issues with delays in renewing their King County For-Hire Licenses and Vehicle Endorsements.  This month we spoke to the King County Department of Licensing (KCDOL) to find out what the hold up is. As all of you...
Senator Hobbs is Trying to Tax Rides

Senator Hobbs is Trying to Tax Rides

Washington State Senator Steve Hobbs, Chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee has proposed a $0.50 per ride Taxi, For-Hire, and TNC (rideshare) tax in his proposed budget for the 2021-2023 Washington State Biennium Budget.  We are opposing this new tax as...