Welcome to the Drive Forward Blog! Here you will find all of our post on news and issues affecting our members, gig-workers, and the gig-economy.

Seattle to Adopt Paid Sick Time for Delivery Drivers
On Wednesday March 15, the Seattle City Council Committee on Housing and Finance will have a hearing on Council Bill 120514. This proposed ordinance will make Seattle’s Paid Sick and Safe Time for App-based contractors permanent. As you may recall, during the pandemic...

Member Meet-ups!
Member Meet-ups are coming to a neighborhood near you! With the addition of two new staff members, Drive Forward is hosting Member Meet-ups throughout the Puget Sound area, and the first ones are coming in March! What are Member Meet-ups? These casual events are...

2023 Legislative Update
It's the first quarter of the year which means the Washington State Legislature is in session. We are currently halfway through the 2023 session and as we expected at the beginning not much is going on that affects our members. This year there are only two bills we...
Your Voice Matters
One of Drive Forward's guiding principles is to be an advocate for our members to ensure your voice is heard in the halls of government. On occasion there will be new bills and ordinaces that could affect your work as app b ased independent contractors. Below is a...
Deactivations and Background Checks: Drive Forward Testifies at Seattle City Council
On Tuesday Drive Forward Member James Lockhart and Executive Director Michael Wolfe provided testimony to the Seattle City Council Public Safety and Human Services Committee, on deactivations and background checks for delivery drivers who use platforms like Instacart...